Tis The Season To Be Phlegmmy

Image result for Tis The Season To Be Phlegmy

Obscure Son has had irregular fevers for the last couple of weeks - one day he has one, the following he doesn't. At long last, we took him to his pediatrician

Turns out he has a mellow instance of pneumonia. In this way, it's back on anti-toxins (dreadful tasting stuff, there) for two or three weeks. 

The uplifting news it that I have yet another reason to abstain from evaluating my last few undertakings - I must be home with my child. 

Obviously, I could have quite recently brought the ventures home with me, however that wouldn't be any good times... 

On the splendid side, I've pretty much wrapped up the Quantitative Methods area of CFA Level 2. It's fortunate, since I show it in a couple of weeks.

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Winding Down The Semester at Unknown University

It's Saturday afternoon, and i am in my workplace writing final exams whereas the remainder of the Unknown Family is one state away at a nephew's birthday half.

So that suggests that it should be the tip of the semester.

I have someday of categories left and 2 exams to offer - one in my principles category and one for my student-managed investment fund category. and each exams area unit well on the thanks to being written. So, i am in higher form than I even have been at the tip of the semester than in a very whereas (I'm typically doing the mad scramble for the end line). I figure another day's work on the exams and some of days grading, and i am done till succeeding crop comes in.

It's been an honest semester. My principles category went higher than it's gone in a very long-standing. I continually attempt to provide my students their money's value, and push them considerably tougher than within the alternative sections of the category. In previous semesters, they'd griped regarding this to the Powers That Be.

This semester appeared totally different. a part of this was that I even have a far higher perspective regarding life than I had antecedently. most of the people World Health Organization apprehend Maine would characterize Maine as evangelical (sometimes to a fault) and optimistic. whereas the Unknown Son was within the final stages of his malady, i used to be terribly stressed (ya think?). once i am stressed, i purchase over slightly critical, which ne'er plays well with students (particularly once you are extremely pushing them).

This semester, i used to be unabashedly positive and relaxed within the category. I additionally spent rather more time too soon framing their expectations. So, there was little or no griping to the oldsters within the Dean's workplace. Finally, I created a conjunctive effort to form positive the focii of the category were operating issues (and creating THEM work problems) at school till they could not take it any further, and forcing them to participate. the scholars appear to possess gotten the message that a neater road at school is commonly not the the simplest choice.

Unfortunately, we do not do a typical exam for the principles category at Unknown University. Anecdotal proof appears to counsel that my students have a stronger grasp of the fabric than in a number of the opposite sections, however i am continually mistrustful of constructing statements like this owing to biases in my very own perceptions (confirmation bias, hubris, and so on). i would prefer to see if laborious information shows that they apprehend additional, or if i am simply convincing myself. Maybe next time I can convince them to travel the common exam road.

My student-managed fund category additionally did higher than I expected. I continually concern the worst as they are obtaining scan for his or her end-of-semester presentation to the Alumni. This semester, we have a tendency to created the presentation it at the offices of a major investment-management company. the scholars did well, thus it ought to facilitate with placement of our grads at this firm within the future. I brought some of juniors World Health Organization are within the category next semester on to the presentation, associate degreed one among them might need created a affiliation there (with an Unknown University alum World Health Organization already works at the firm). So, he might need created a significant step towards grading associate degree place for this summer.

In any event, I've had enough workplace time for a Saturday. thus it is time to go out for a few Christmas searching then settle certain  the large UFC fight tonight. Since the Unknown Family is out of city, i purchase to try to to the bachelor issue.

Congresscritters Aren't Like The Rest Of Us

This previous couple of weeks, we've detected lots concerning analysis conducted by Ziobrowski  et. al. (see here and here) on the likelihood of privy mercantilism by Senators and Congressmen. supported abnormal returns earned  on their portfolios, it seems that they are doing use their "inside information" in ways in which would be contraband for those not in government service. just in case you haven't seen it, here's the hr story that brought Ziobrowski's analysis into the general public eye:

Now here's another fun reality - Congresscritters not solely get to cash in on material private data, they conjointly get to reveal it to pick out parties too. It feels like variety of hedge funds frequently meet with members of congress to induce way access to the present data. Here's a video from the Wall Street Journal for your viewing pleasure.

And here I though our elected officials were pure of heart and above approach (sorry - I think I shouldn't have changed my meds without doctor's orders).

The Semester Goes Out Not With a Bang, But With a Whimper

I was simply commenting to the Unknown partner however this semester was ending going therefore well compared to previous ones - my student managed investment fund presentation was done every day sooner than usual, my principles category was previous schedule, and my tests were at the start of exam amount instead of close to the top.

I ought to have famous - ne'er say things like that. Even in jest.

It angers academe - the patron divinity of all professors (also called "she World Health Organization makes professors' work go pear-shaped at the worst attainable time")

So, what happens? i used to be cutting and pasting things from the grades programme for my principles category (it has four elements, all on separate tabs of the worksheet). Somehow, I not solely deleted the grades for all 3 exams, I traced the sheet to a file name that overwrote the backup (I perpetually save the programme to a brand new file name when every update). when finding out over associate hour, I finally found associate email backup copy i might created that had everything however the ultimate test grades.

The morals of the story:
Make multiple backups of your grading programme (and anything of crucial importance) each time you alter it.
Never, ever say "things square measure going well this semester". It angers academe (and she could be a vindictive "rhymes with witch").
On a additional pleasant note, a few of bright spots this week:
looks like i am going to have a paper submitted among a few of days. It will not get checked out by the journal editor for a few of weeks attributable to the vacation, however it will be off my table. Since (as my joint author says) "if we do not submit this one presently, we'd higher begin saving for its faculty education", that is an honest feeling.
A joint author abreast of Maine that she had a revise and feed back that needs her to try and do some tests that she may do herself, however would rather source. Since I will simply get laid with a week's work more or less, she asked Maine to be a joint author. So, for a little of labor, it's like i will be able to doubtless have another hit.
We've been creating do at the Unknown home with a seven-year previous TV (an previous cathode-ray model). we have a tendency to simply got our new TV stand (a terribly nice corner model) and can shortly be obtaining a brand new forty six in. flat panel model. Ah, the dominion of Thingdom includes a new subject. 
In any event, here's desire a Merry Christmas (or no matter else you decide on to celebrate this point of year) to all or any my readers (all 3 of them).

It's finally feeling like Christmas within the Unknown home - we have Christmas songs enjoying on the radio, Winnie the Pooh (the Unknown Son's (a.k.a. Knucklehead's) recent fascination) on TV, and i am within the middle of creating up a quadruple batch of pumpkin soup on the stove A double batch are for our neighborhood party tonight and another is for the large family get-together at our place on Christmas Day. therefore the place sounds and smells like Christmas.

mythe divinity created Maine save my grade programme to the incorrect name

Fly Away, Little One. Be Free!

It's been a good couple of days:
  • Yesterday, we just got a very good sized check from the IRS (we'd let some things slide when the Unknown Son was sick, and finally got things straightened out a few months ago.
  • about a half-hour ago, I submitted a paper to a journal (not a top-tier one, but a decent one). It's been about 4 years since we started it. So now, it's off my desk.
  • I just got an email that my new 43-inch flat-panel TV is available for pickup from Best Buy.
All in all, a nice way to close out the year. Now I just have to get the TV set up in time to watch the Lesnar/Overeem MMA fight on Friday.

Someone Need an A$$ Whoopin?

This reminded me of my childhood. My father's "weapon of choice" was his slipper. That may sound funny, but he could really whip that thing. Different times.

I swear, one time he made that thing go around two corners.

HT: Adam Yore

The 7 Habits of Spectactularly Unsuccessful Executives (and Deans)

Just came across this article (The 7 habits of Spectacularly Unsuccessful Executives) in Forbes. It seems like the same characteristics can be applied to Deans (and College Presidents), since they're just executives of a different type. Read the whole thing, but here's the 7 habits (in some cases, I've edited them a bit)
  1. They see themselves (and their organizations) dominating their environment
  2. They identify so completely with the organization that there is no clear boundary between their personal interests and their corporation’s interests
  3. They think they have all the answers
  4. They ruthlessly eliminate anyone who isn’t completely behind them
  5. They are consummate spokespersons, obsessed with the company image
  6. They underestimate obstacles
  7. They stubbornly rely on what worked for them in the past
I've known deans that embody 2, 3, 4, and 6. How about you?


A Good End To The Semester

Teaching may be frustrating, however it's its moments. I simply bumped into one among my best students - three.9 GPA, got a CFA scholarship, is doing associate degree honors project, etc...

Since he is coming up with on taking the CFA Level one communication in Gregorian calendar month, he had some questions on however best to induce started on the fabric. So, we have a tendency to talked for a couple of [*fr1] hour, and that i Lententide him my study notes therefore he might start over the break (he hasn't nonetheless gotten his material from Schweser and CFA Institute).

I wouldn't be stunned if he has the Accounting and Ethics sections (and in all probability the Quantitative Methods) of the CFA material bolted down before he gets back from Christmas break.

If solely I had a schoolroom choked with students like him. however that may be too straightforward.

Stuck In Grading

Ah, all classes are done, and my finals have been taken. Unfortunately, I had a rather large group in my principles class, and they had a long final - 73 students and a final with 25 multiple choice questions(concepts and definitions) and 21 problems. I'm currently on problem 11, so I still have about 730 "student-problems) to grade (about 5-6 hours of work).

Then the grumbling by the students starts. I've already had one email me to complain that "my tests didn't assess the students' learning properly" - within a day of the exam.

But even with all that, this still beats any other job I can imagine.
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