Congresscritters Aren't Like The Rest Of Us

This previous couple of weeks, we've detected lots concerning analysis conducted by Ziobrowski  et. al. (see here and here) on the likelihood of privy mercantilism by Senators and Congressmen. supported abnormal returns earned  on their portfolios, it seems that they are doing use their "inside information" in ways in which would be contraband for those not in government service. just in case you haven't seen it, here's the hr story that brought Ziobrowski's analysis into the general public eye:

Now here's another fun reality - Congresscritters not solely get to cash in on material private data, they conjointly get to reveal it to pick out parties too. It feels like variety of hedge funds frequently meet with members of congress to induce way access to the present data. Here's a video from the Wall Street Journal for your viewing pleasure.

And here I though our elected officials were pure of heart and above approach (sorry - I think I shouldn't have changed my meds without doctor's orders).
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